Sunday, June 19, 2011

What a great weekend! We all went out on the boat..we finally bit the bullet and had it fixed. We went to Fort Sumter which was great because we had the whole Fort to ourselves before the tourist ferry arrived. The big hit was tubin'..I'm not a fan because I don't like the brain shaking, but we went just fast enough to launch everyone in the air a few times. We all really enjoyed being in the water this weekend and it's nice to have the whole family out on the boat. Off to more camps this month!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Karate Kids

Oh I can't believe that we already have a purple and green belt in the family. Sienne, out of about 500 kids, was one of four to get the 'most improved' trophy. I wasn't expecting her to get that so unfortunately it's not on video. Poor Keah has hardly any front teeth. It's funny to watch her try to eat. Because she has lost so many teeth at one time I am hoping that her adult teeth come in straight (knock on wood). There is so much going on these last few weeks of school, haven't found the time to go strawberry picking before the season least there is always watermelon!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Summer is Coming

So much has happened lately. My chicks, down to 5 from 6, are doing great. I have two roosters and already put one on Craig's list, can't bring myself to eating him. I never realized however how dumb chickens are. At least they don't look up when it's raining and drown. Kids are great, we have been up to so much, swimming, camping, and soccer. The weather has been great, the other day I noticed our new pond turtle basking in the sun. I don't know where he came from, was actually about to go get some from another pond. Well, only one more month of school and then the summer. Can't wait to sleep in!

Friday, March 11, 2011

One Little Two Little Three Little Chicks..

Oh this being a chicken mom thing is awesome. We have six new members to the family. They are Buff Orpingtons (apparently the sweetest of a chicken breed that one can have). Unfortunately, we had to get six of unknown sex (we will know in about 3 weeks if hens or roosters). Judging from the size and a bit of character we think there might be as many as three roosters, we'll see. They are a week old now and they have grown so much. We put a spot of food coloring on them so at least we can talk about them. I am surprised that they have survived this long under our care, hopefully they make it past the two month mark. Bryan spent a lot of quality time with them last night and you should have heard how upset they were when he left. We keep them under red light (lady at the store told us with the red light they don't pick on each other as much...wonder if I put the kids under red light if that would work as well. We used to have red light on our ear infections or muscle strains growing up and it worked like a charm. Kids are doing OK. The piano teacher is moving so I am trying to find a replacement. Next on the list is to go to our old pond and get some turtles. The log in our pond just doesn't look good without a turtle basking in the sun!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Well we have had a busy couple of weeks. We went up to spend the weekend with some friends and stayed at their parent's house. Sienne even helped with planting a cherry tree (and of course petting the neighbor's dog). Then we ended up going sailing on Lake Murrey and it was so nice! We are also going to try our luck with getting chickens for eggs. The process takes about 6 months, but we shall see. We will get two hens and name them A and B (hopefully by the end of the year we won't be at Z). The girls love the hen house and asked their super dad if he couldn't build them one. The high point of our week is that we are in process of getting gutters. Water has recently been our enemy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

We had such a nice weekend. We had some friends come over with kids and we went on a nice nature walk, which ended up being a swim in the mud for some kids. Bryan is now reading on bird species because he got outsmarted by a second grader that knows so much about birds. Last week we had one of the girls' favorite cousin visit, they didn't want to let him leave. Keah lost another tooth, now we are totally toothless up front and it is so funny to make her say certain things without her two front teeth. We are just truckin along, the rabbits are growing and now have a nice cage. Happy Week!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Well, we are back! We have internet again..yeah. It's not what we had before (no more free movies) but it's faster than dial-up so we take it as it comes. So so much has happened...we have two new members to the family; Sienne got 'A' honor roll so we allowed her to get a Dutch bunny (actually our friends got her everything for them and even took her for a day to Prosperity South Carolina to pick them out), then of course we ended up with two rabbits so that it wouldn't be lonely when we aren't around. Please welcome Daisey (Sienne's bunny) and Firsky. They are both females (so we were told) and well one is super calm and Firsky, well she is very hop-pity. Everything else is actually really good, Keah is creating some great artwork (as usual). Zalynn is cute as ever, she does well with the rabbits and they do good at tolerating her strong love. Sienne is doing good at taking care of the rabbits, they produce massive amounts of fertilizer so it can be a daily chore. All the gals in the house are growing, can't believe it's already February!