Friday, April 30, 2010

Keah has her first loose tooth! Sienne is already telling her the ways of the tooth fairy. Keah has been so impatient because everyone else in her class has already lost a tooth. On Wednesday we went for a visit to Great Grandmamas and Caleb and Zalynn got to play a bit in the dirt pit. They got so excited they made monster noises and ran around. What a way to spend the day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

We had a really nice weekend with our long time friends..the Meeces. The girls had a blast together. We ran into Susanne's family here in town and they invited us for a fun packed evening. Her family is super nice and we all had a good time hanging with them. The kids had other kids to play with and didn't want to leave (it was a late evening). Too bad weekends are only two days long!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Soccer has started! Bryan looks like a 'natural' when he coaches. They are both playing really well, unfortunetly the games have been at the same time so I haven't seen Keah play and Bryan hasn't seen Sienne play. Oh well, the season just started. Last Sunday we went to the Strawberry Fest at Boone Hall. That was fun, they have a big slide and the weight limit was 150lbs. I went anyway and it was a fast ride.
I had so much momentum at the end I made this big sand cloud. Parents laughed. Zalynn ended up planted in the sand face first, she didn't do the big slide again. This weekend we have our friends the Meece's coming. We are so excited, it has been a long time since we spent the weekend together. Barbie is coming too for the week (we hope), the girls can't wait for school to be over for their yearly Barbie camp. Yeah!

Friday, April 16, 2010

With great-grandmama's birthday contribution to Zalynn we were able to get the coolest toy..the PlasmaCar. This thing is awesome. It is an indoor car and the kids have gotten great at zooming through the house. It even has room for all three but the ride speed slows down significantly. You don't have to push it with feet, you just tug the steering wheel back and forth to make it go forward. When we were in the store there was a grandmother there and she said she even rides her grandkids'. It's great that we don't have carpet. The top pics are from Angle Oak on John's Island. It is such a pretty place to go and kill some time. Tomorrow we are off to two soccer games.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Zalynn had a wonderful birthday party on Friday. Many of her friends made it. The day turned out beautiful. My sister came for the weekend and the kids are already hitting her up for "Barbie Camp". This year Zalynn gets to go so she is just tickled to death. On the house side, the sanding is far from done and progress is slow. With oma being out of town we just get done what we can. The girls are swimming already in the pool and when they start turning purple I take them out.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Big Three

The day started off with Zalynn getting her usual quiche pie for breakfast with a birthday candle. She was so happy that she got to blow out the candles. We headed over for a morning visit to the new house to see how the floors were coming along. What a lot of work!! It will probably take another whole week to do the downstairs. Zalynn opened her present from oma and then we headed to the Sewee Visitor Center where Sienne was almost eaten alive by an alligator. They had some red wolves there and we learned that humans had such fear of the red wolf that we almost wiped them out. After picking up Keah from school we headed to great grand-mamas and had more birthday play time. The weather is wonderful and it is so nice not to have to wear socks. It will be exciting next week when both girls will be back in school (Sienne's school starts at 7:20 in the morning) and we still have soccer, piano, and homework!!Onward!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Action Packed Weekend

We have been having a sugar packed week! I hadn't gotten the girls any Easter baskets so I convinced Keah to make a JackBunny. It worked for one of our egg hunting excursions but eventually she wised up and wanted the real thing so we ended up getting real Easter buckets.
Sienne's Squanto presentation went well. I was real happy she was the only Squanto, out of the 100 2nd graders there were many Amelia Erharts and George Washingtons. Keah and Zalynn had a blast with Caleb (2nd cousin) at Great Grandmamas building forts. We stayed a few hours and it is so cute to watch them all play together.
This coming week is going to be interesting. At the house Bryan is working on sanding the floors which is a whole lot of labor. We pretty much won't see him much at all this coming week. We are loving this weather. It's barefoot season again!